Time’s Up! Step 1 - How to get started on culture change by identifying harassment, discrimination & exclusion
Nicole Kidman and Oprah Winfrey delivered impassioned speeches in support of Time's Up at the 2018 Golden Globes
Over the past week we have seen last year’s “Me too” campaign evolve into the inspirational and resourced “Times up” campaign - a call to action being led by an ever-increasing group of committed female celebrities across the world to create inclusive workplaces where all people feel safe to speak up and are listened to respectfully.
As showcased at the Golden Globes this week, these advocates for workplace culture revolution are driving one of the fastest moving social changes in decades - calling on women to speak up, and men to listen and act, to create safe, respectful and inclusive workplaces where diverse women can thrive. It seems to me we are finally getting serious about zero tolerance to sexual harassment and understand that good HR policy and training people on what not to do is not good enough.
So, now what? How do we get started?
We need to move beyond compliance, “tick box’s” and “blame and shame,” and instead take a constructive approach to shift mindsets, behaviours and workplace culture. While leaders set the tone of workplace culture, its clear that everyone has a role in creating a safe, respectful and inclusive atmosphere. Remember:
“The standard of behaviour you walk past is the standard you accept”
In my previous December blog, I outlined a 3-step process for taking action to build safe, respectful and inclusive workplace cultures. Over the next couple of weeks I want to go into a bit more detail about each of these vital steps.
Step 1 is to IDENTIFY:
1. What a safe respectful and inclusive workplace will look and feel like for everyone.
Get “buy in” to the vision of the type of culture that you as an organisation want to create together. I have never met anyone who won’t sign up to this vision for themselves and for their loved ones when you create the space and safety to have this conversation.2.
2. Your diversity mindset.
Take time to self-reflect on how you personally view employee diversity. Do you see it as a “risk issue” owned by others such as HR, leaders, or victims? Or do you see it as personal and a way to increase team and organisation capability?
3. Your unconscious biases.
Join 14.5 million people across the globe in taking the free online Harvard Implicit Association Test to identify your unconscious biases. After this, self-reflect and apply a diversity and inclusion lens to your day to day life, noticing any bias and exclusion in your home, work and in the media. Try to then share your observations with a colleague or close family member.
4. People’s experiences who are different to you.
Be curious and have conversations about what’s important to them. Seek to learn about others and their experiences by “stepping into their shoes,” and seeing the world from their perspective.
By expanding your diversity and inclusion self-awareness, and understanding the latest research and best practice, you will be in a great place to take action that will work to improve your workplace cultures.
Next week, I will address Step 2, to explain in more detail how you can get involved and take action to make a real change in your workplace.
If you’re interested in expert assistance to make your workplace culture more inclusive for everyone, please contact me today!
Image Source: Perth Now